My exotic pet: Lorenzo

 Today I will talk about my exotic pet. 

His name is Erick Lorenzo, but we call him Lorencito.

He is a land hedgehog, and in a month he’ll be a year old. They are nocturnal animals, they come from a very hot environment, and their defense mechanism is to raise their spikes. It is very important to have your house heated, hot bother you when you raise your spikes and give your space during the day.

They love worms and crickets, plus they can eat some natural fruits and vegetables. Lorenzo loves apples and crickets. They are his weekend snacks.

Hedgehogs are very curious animals and walkers. I put mint in a bag and he loves to smell it. He also enjoys playing in his training arena. Every night he plays for 2 o 3 hours.

The coexitence with him, is different from that of other pets, was a process of habit for him to know me and let me take it. Sometimes it pricked and bit me. Now, he feels confidence in me, I can make you love in your soft belly and we can even take naps together.


  1. You pet is very sweet. I have a dog that bark too much, is a chihuahua.


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