My favorite movies

 My favorite movie is ''Notting Hill''. Julia Roberts y Hugh Grant the play a couple. She’s a famous Hollywood actrees and he is a simple person who has a library. The story has a romanctic plot – comedy. The film is recorded in central London specifically in Notting Hill. All the scenography is real. Makes you want to go to London and visita ll those beautiful places.

when I was little, my favorite movie was ''toy story''. I wanted to have all the andy toys. Some of my favorites are: ''Beauty and the Beast'' and ''Aladdin'', in live action are really fabulous, they present musicals and dances perfectly, are entertaining and the styograph is detailed and striking.

Lately, I’ve seen all the Marvel movies chronologically, and discovered a wonderful cinematographic universe, that unersies science fiction and fantasy, represented with super heroes. The actors, scripts, directors, costume assistants and special effects, they do a wonderful job, so people can believe every scene. My favorite superhero is Thor and his brother Loki is my favorite anti heroe.

The last movie I saw was ''I feel sexy'', I highly recommend it, it's about self-love and how having it changes our lives and the way others see us. Has a deep message and its funny.


  1. I have never seen ´´Notting Hill´´ , i will see it someday.
    My favorite movie as a child is Toy Story and always will be.
    A very cool thing is that i watched´´I Feel Sexy´´ with my mom last month and we really liked that movie, the girl was so sexy! i love her energy, i need it.


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